Featured Clients

Did you know when you provide Sign Language interpreting for your Deaf clients, you are complying with laws set forth in the Americans with Disabilities Act? As an SBA certified 8(a) and Economically Disadvantaged Woman-Owned Small Business, Graham has built a strong relationship with the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community by recognizing the importance of communication access. All throughout the country, we offer experienced and professional Sign Language Interpreters with a wide range of credentials and experience, to meet each client’s needs and preferences.
Graham Interpreting serves private sector companies, universities, county governments, public school systems, and the federal government including NASA, OPM, the Navy, and others. No matter your industry, we’ll be your partner in providing access to ALL your clients. Graham provides American Sign Language interpreting, communication access, and accessibility solutions such as Section 508 compliance for Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and DeafBlind individuals in every type of setting.
Meetings, conferences, training seminars, presentations, job interviews, award shows, ceremonies, K-12 classes, college lectures, parent-teacher conferences, legal proceedings, theater performances, medical appointments, as well as online content and video/audio accessibility… no matter the event or duration, our skilled professionals can be there for your needs, on-site or virtually. Our team is one of the most responsive you’ll ever work with.
GRAHAM Interpreting provides personalized, high quality Sign Language interpreting and communication access solutions. We analyze client requirements and match them to the most qualified interpreters. Our primary mission? Bridge the communication and cultural gap while providing exceptional service and professionalism.
Graham works with hundreds of professional Sign Language Interpreters who possess diverse experience and credentials, including National and State Certifications, Educational and Legal Certifications, as well as Certified Deaf Interpreters (CDIs), and Tactile Interpreters.
Graham Interpreters abide by the standards and guidelines as set forth by the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID) and other certifying agencies, and always observe the NAD-RID Code of Professional Conduct (CPC), which is based upon the following 7 tenets:
“Code of Professional Conduct.” Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf. N.p., n.d. Web. 11/22/15
Katelyn Grove
Director of Interpreting Services
Hannah Brown
Interpreting Accounting Manager
Chad Ervin
Manager of Interpreting Services
Martini Gibbons
Manager of Interpreting Services
Parker Dority
Part-time Interpreting Service Manager
Tania Marler
Director of Relationship Management
Adina Imes
Senior Vice President of Interpreting and Operations
Nina Martin
CEO of Graham Inc.
Graham interpreters have made more than 500,000 conversations possible between Deaf and hearing individuals.
RID Code of Professional Conduct in ASL
RID Certified Deaf Interpreter CDI Requirements
EEOC-Resource Explains ADA Requirements for Workers with Hearing Disabilities.